Rayf Shiell; rayfshiell@trentu.ca, 748 1011 x7023
Summary: Particle-like aspects of radiation and wave-like properties of matter. Schrödinger equation and applications to one-dimensional systems. One-electron atoms, magnetic dipole moments, spin, identical particles and atomic structure. The course builds upon material from the following pre-requisite courses: PHYS 1002H: Introductory Physics II; PHYS–MATH 2150H: Ordinary differential equations; MATH 2110H: Calculus II: Calculus of several variables
The schedule of readings from the course text (Modern Physics, 2nd ed., by Randy Harris) from the last time I taught this course can be found here.
The formula sheet can be found here (also in .docx format for adapting if desired)
The midterm exam can be found here.
The final exam can be found here.
The midterm exam can be found here.
The final exam can be found here.
The midterm exam can be found here.
The final exam can be found here.
The midterm exam can be found here.
Since academic year 2020-2021 PHYS2610H has covered the second half of previous years of PHYS2610H, and the first half of previous years of PHYS2620H.
The final exam for PHYS2620H (slightly different format due to the COVID-19 pandemic) can be found here.
The midterm exam for PHYS2620H can be found here.
The final exam for PHYS2620H can be found here.
The midterm exam for PHYS2620H can be found here.
The final exam for PHYS2610H can be found here
The midterm exam for PHYS2610H can be found here.
The final exam for PHYS2620H can be found here.
The midterm exam for PHYS2620H can be found here.
The final exam for PHYS2620H can be found here.
The midterm exam for PHYS2620H can be found here.
The final exam for PHYS2620H can be found here.
The midterm exam for PHYS2620H can be found here.
The final exam for PHYS2620H can be found here.
The midterm exam for PHYS2620H can be found here.
The final exam for PHYS2620H can be found here.
The midterm exam for PHYS2620H can be found here.
The final exam for PHYS2610H can be found here.
The midterm exam for PHYS2610H can be found here.
The final exam for PHYS2620H can be found here.
The midterm exam for PHYS2620H can be found here.
The final exam for PHYS2620H can be found here.
The midterm exam for PHYS2620H can be found here.