Rayf Shiell - Optical Physics Group, Trent University

Pedrottis' Introduction to Optics, 4e

pedrottiOur new book, a revised and updated edition of Pedrottis' Introduction to Optics, is now available from Cambridge University Press. The content is well-suited to a wide range of undergraduate optics courses in physics and engineering, and can also support other courses in the physical and life sciences.

The book's cover displays the vibrant blue wing of the Morpho granadensis butterfly, which is a striking example of “structural color”, stemming from incoming white light scattering off an intricate, nano-scale, multilayered surface. With its 26 chapters, which cover topics from ray optics to nonlinear optics, we aspire to assist students and instructors alike in discovering the delights that light, and the study of light, can bring.

Feedback and corrections are welcome at rayfshiell@trentu.ca.

Some tips to care for a new book

Interactive animations accompanying the book

Key equations per chapter

Integrated testlets; read more here

Timeline of the laser to 2020, from SPIE

Nobel Prizes in optics & photonics from 1901 to the present day, from SPIE