Rayf Shiell - Optical Physics Group, Trent University

PHYS 2700H: Thermal Physics

Instructor Information

Rayf Shiell; rayfshiell@trentu.ca, 705-748-1011 x7023

Course Information

Summary: This course provides an introduction to thermal physics and the subject of thermodynamics. Topics to be covered include: the laws of thermodynamics and their applications, thermodynamic potentials, the kinetic theory of gases, and some principles of statistical thermodynamics. The course builds upon content matter from the following pre-requisite courses: PHYS 2610H: Introductory Quantum Physics; MATH 2110H: Calculus II: Calculus of several variables.

The schedule of readings from the course text (Finn's Thermal Physics, 3rd ed., by Andy Rex) from the last time I taught this course can be found here.

The formula sheet can be found here (also in .docx format for adapting if desired)


The final exam can be found here.
The midterm exam can be found here.


The final exam can be found here.
The midterm exam can be found here.


The final exam can be found here.
The midterm exam can be found here.


The final exam (slightly different format due to the COVID-19 pandemic) can be found here.
The midterm exam can be found here.


The final exam can be found here.
The midterm exam can be found here.


The final exam can be found here.
The midterm exam can be found here.