Rayf Shiell - Optical Physics Group, Trent University

PHYS 4050H: Advanced Experimental Techniques

Instructor Information

Rayf Shiell; rayfshiell@trentu.ca, 748 1011 x7023

Course Information

Summary: This course is hands-on and skills-based. One aim is to understand, and to scientifically ‘open-box’ [as opposed to ‘blackbox’] components such as sensors and actuators commonly found within physical systems. We will experiment with circuits, with programming, and with physical components commonly found in research laboratories and technical/industrial workplaces. Each of three tasks will be assessed through both a final report and an individual interview, and thus technical writing and verbal communication skills are also a focus of this course. The course builds upon material from the following pre- or co-requisite course: PHYS-COIS 2250H Electronics

The syllabus from the last time I taught this course can be found here.